Missed a class?
Please submit a make up form to attend a
make up before this series ends.
1. While we do our best to offer make up classes,
we cannot guarantee that make up classes will be
available should you miss a class.
2. Make up classes are most often only available in
one of our scheduled live online classes. They are
not available on demand. If we have space, make
ups are sometimes available at our in person
3. Requests for a make up class in a future
series MUST be submitted while your class
series still is in session or within two (2)
weeks of the last class.
4. Read here about system requirements to attend
the online class.
5. If the make-up request form is not submitted at
least 24 hours before the day of the online class
you wish to attend, we cannot guarantee you will
get the links needed to to attend the class.
6. Any of the five (5) classes can be made up within
a series, provided space is available.
7. Only two (2) classes can be made up in the next
class series (e.g. you can only miss 2 classes in this
series and make them up in the following series. In
person make ups are not offered in future series;
only online make ups are available.
8.Make up classes cannot be used to reduce the
tuition for attending a future class series.
9. There is a $5 administrative fee for each make
up class. This fee will not be refunded nor
transferred once processed should you decide not
to attend the requested make up class
10. If the class for which you have requested a
make up be cancelled by TQI Diet, a full refund of
the make up fee will be issued.
Please click here to get to the new Make up page,
where you can select your make up class.