111. Hi Kathy, Since beginning the class I have lost 10 pounds; I feel great; I am so satisfied and
feel so good after eating; and I have averted taking meds to address high cholesterol.  The body
measurements I’ve done are not very accurate; however, clothes that I haven’t been able to wear
for years because they were too tight are now too big!  I love the TQI way of eating and plan for it
to be a lifelong habit.  Thank you for creating the plan; for making the class, book and do’s and
don’ts so clear and easy to follow . . . the best Christmas present ever!

112. Hi Kathy, I’m writing to let you know that I have lost a total of 14 pounds since reading your
book and taking your classes.  This process began around the first of October.  My son has Type
1 diabetes and I have MS.  We have participated in many nutrition classes over the years.  
However, your book and classes have made a significant difference in the way we eat and in the
way we feel.  I can now get in and out of my car with ease, and I no longer worry about how I will
pick something up when it falls on the ground.  I have a lot less pain in my hips and knees.

113. I took your class in Feb 2015 and it has changed my life. I have lost about 30 pounds, still
more to go. But even better -- I have a new wardrobe. Every day I try on clothes that I had put
aside for a couple of years because they were too tight and now they are almost too loose. And
my belts finally fit again. Yes, I know that's vain. I am also thrilled with the fact that my sugar-free
gluten-free dairy-free lifestyle has eliminated most of the arthritic aches and pains that I had. I am
so happy eating this way. And I'm not kidding when I say I have tried every kind of diet there is.
Every single one felt restrictive, and even if I lost weight I couldn't keep it off. But the TQI way is a
lifestyle I have adopted without any problems. And I do know how to drop more pounds -- exercise
more, more green leafy vegetables, cut back on the wine. Basically go back to the elimination diet.

114. Wrapping up week two. Morning/generalized stiffness has completely resolved. Severe
dyshidrotic eczema (eruption on palms of hands) resulting in intermittent cracking and painful
fissures has also almost completely disappeared. Sleeping much better. Post-nasal drip and
overall stuffiness is gone. Energy levels have gone way up and focus has increased. Lost about
15 lbs so far. I used to drink 4-5 shots of espresso every morning. Now I don't need any coffee!

115. I am really getting it and staying on the program perfectly. It has been really easy for me. I
have lost 5 lbs this week. I did eliminate broccoli which when I had testing showed I had a 2+
allergy to it. I had been eating it a lot and so this time I sat down with my tests and removed all
food and spices that I had 2+ or higher in addition to all your removals. I have more energy now.
At first I was more tired, but now I feel good. Also, I have less numbness. I can’t tell you how happy
that makes me! I am very motivated to keep going with seeing the good results. I have a long way
to go, but I can see myself eating this way for a lifetime. I can’t believe how badly I ate for years. It’
s wonderful to feel better. Thank you Kathy. I was losing hope about losing my weight and getting

116. Thanks Kathy for checking in.  Firstly, I am 39 and have some pretty bad arthritis in both my
hips.  I've been struggling with the pain for years and it's changed my quality of life dramatically.  I
won't go into the details, but this diet was the last thing before seriously thinking about double hip
replacement. I can honestly say, that this diet is the closest thing to a miracle in my life.  It's
opened my eyes to how unbalanced my diet was and important it is to eat well.  Yes the pain has
gone down dramatically.  It doesn't mean that it's gone, but the results are way more significant
than any thing I've done in the past.  My energy level is much better, my mood, and my mental

117. The TQI Diet continues to be my way of life.  I've kept my 50 pounds off and am always
amazed at how much healthier I am compared to my friends and their adult children (30ish)!!

118. It has not even been one week and already I have lost almost 6 pounds! I AM THRILLED.
Mostly because I know that this is something I actually can do for the rest of my life. I've tried many
food plans, many of which were quite good, but more complicated than I was willing to continue on
an on-going basis, or too depriving of taste and variety. THANK YOU! Thank you so much!

119. I took your class in March 2015, and I wanted to report that I am doing great.  I’m still using
the TQI principles in my daily eating. My osteoarthritis is non existent, and I’m so pleased with my
labs, which the doctor said were excellent. I have lot’s more energy and sleep so much better  with
TQI, and since I’ve found a wheat sensitivity, and eliminated wheat gluten, I feel even better.  Best
of all,I’ve learned how to make so many wonderful sauces and salad dressings that conform to the
TQI way and I’m trying new fruits and vegetables I never tried before. Just wanted to check in and
thank you again for doing what you do in improving peoples lives and improving my life.

120. I started on the diet in January. I have been getting my teeth cleaned 4 times a year for 10
years for mild periodontal disease. I went in last week and she was surprised by how little plaque
and stain I had. She said I didn't have to come back for 4 months this time!
That pays for my class, ha! My doc noticed I had lost over 10 pounds, too.

121. I want to touch base with you about some improvements in my health that I attribute to the
TQI diet. I started the diet in late July, 2014 and took your class in the fall online .It was a close
friend's example of glowing health,despite chronic illness,which got me interested in the diet.

I am a  physician and have mild heart failure due to a familial cardiomyopathy and ventricular
tachycardia,well controlled with beta blockers/ antiarrythmics. Because of this, though I have no
coronary artery disease, my lipids are checked regularly. My total cholesterol in July before I
started the diet was 214. I just had it checked in the beginning of January and the total was 174!
My cardiologist was floored that diet alone was capable of that drop, as of course what we were
taught in medschool was that the very lipid limited Dean Ornish diet only caused a modest 10%
drop in lipids at best. So I was delighted and wanted you to know. I have also had many other
health benefits from the diet,for example: 10 lbs weight loss from 148 lbs to 138 (my weight in high
school!), less chronic swelling and pain in a post surgical knee prone to osteoarthritis, clear skin,
fewer palpitations, many fewer colds/URI's. I am delighted.

I have found the diet very sustainable and have hewed close to the elimination diet overall. I find
that the ill effects of leaving the diet (GI changes, rashes, headache) reinforce my decision to stay
on it. I have shared news about the diet with several others who have also joined on with success.I
also happened to read a referral note from a neurologist at the UW who recommended your diet
specifically for a patient with chronic headaches. Thanks for everything. I am very grateful.

122. Just wanted to share in the past month my blood pressure down to 104/68 and cholesterol
175. Lost 6 pounds and 4 waist inches. Main change is much less pain and no more ibuprofin. I
appreciate class, books and relentless focus on being careful about what I ingest. My family has
benefitted from gluten-free recipes and grandma's Big  Salads with beans, greens, avocados and
various healthy surprises. Thank you for doing this work for people...I will be back to take the class

123. I love the way I feel on the TQI diet and plan to use this as my way of life.  There are too
many ways I'm feeling better (i.e. no running nose,  sleeping like a young girl,  no more  IBS, etc)
and don't want to risk upsetting this!

124. The TQI Diet class was recommended by a friend for my husband's arthritic aches and pains
and several months ago I was diagnosed with MS. The MS Society lists the Abascal Way as a diet
to consider in helping symptoms.Tomorrow will be 4 weeks and I have lost 7 pounds and an inch
at my waistline. I am very fit and (used to be) athletic but am pleased with these results as I feel
energetic and convinced that I am getting stronger. I am enjoying the challenge of finding recipes
that fit in the TQI regimen. My husband has lost 16 pounds and 3"! Wow! I read your book before
taking the class. While it follows very closely, the classes are so much more convincing and easier
to understand.

125. My husband and I took your class last fall. Such a gift. Thank you!  My migraines hardly
occur anymore (and when they do, I know the cause). I used to not like to travel because I would
be afraid of an unexpected migraine. I am on a trip now (family reunion) with my feed bag - yum!  
(Breakfast muffins, nuts, almond butter, rice crackers, 100% chocolate (the only % I won't O.D.
on), ginger tea, fruit, nori strips, and bouillon cubes.)  This gives me the tools for snacks and
making my meals proportional. I am a nice person when my blood sugar a non-issue. My family
likes you a lot. :-)

My husband lost about 15 pounds, sleeps so much better, no GERD, and little congestion (except
when he has his occasional beer).  Also his blood sugar dropped out of the danger zone and he
no longer takes blood pressure pills. That's fabulous! He turns 64 this year. I am 54. This way of
eating has given us back our vitality, energy, and optimism.  Because we feel consistently better
we also can exercise more - My husband is definitely getting younger.  Thank you!!

126. I took your class at Highline Medical Center in April.  Started the diet in the second week of
the class. It's been a bit over five and a half months. The pain in my knees, ankles and feet is long
gone. (Most of it was gone after just a few weeks.) I've lost 83 pounds, and still losing.  My goal is
in sight. Haven't been hungry or had a craving even once. There used to be so many things I
couldn't do because of my weight and size. Now, I know that anything is possible!!

127. I have stayed on elimination. I have lost 10 pounds, my shoes fit and I was able to remove a
ring from my finger. My belly is shrinking and my bra cup is too big. I now sleep through the night.
My mobility has increased and I can stand-up without shaking and holding on. My stiffness has
diminished - I can bend over and retrieve the empty cats dishes. I have become an apostle for this
way of eating-I am on a mission! The most drastic change has been in my mental clarity.
It is difficult to think of how I dragged myself through each day.Wishing I had found this way sooner.
Thank You!

128. I have lost 12 pounds in 2 weeks without hard exercise.  Just walking. My wife said I have also
had been snoring less. Feel good. No heartburn at all. Plan to start more general workouts to
build some muscle tone. Good energy level.  

129. Things are great! I've been amazed at how quickly weight has come off. I've lost about 10
pounds in two weeks on the elimination diet. It's so weird that I almost always feel satiated. I start
to think that "it's not working" because I don't feel deprived, so I go to the scale and holy cow! It's
working. Thanks so much,

130. My starting weight:  153lbs. 1 month later: 143.5lbs. I was diagnosed with Celiac disease april
2015. I suffered from chronic migraines for almost 5 years straight. My neurologist in Seattle UW
that recommended your diet and book has been working with me to get the right dose of
medications so that the side GI side effects are under control. Now I feel so much better all the
way around. Head and stomach. I have been able to move like a normal person, exercise and do
really wonderful things for my body, and it is responding so well. I sleep, eat and exercise
regularly. I am on the least amount of prescription medication that I have been in a long time,
including OTC's to manage other things. Sugar was a complete poison for me, eliminating that to
the very best that I can, has been life changing. I feel like I can think so much more clearly, Now, I
can't tell you how much better I feel in words. The depression and anxiety I had prior are
completely gone. I have been enjoying you class and have learned so much about food and my
body, this diet to me is a lifestyle that I will continue my whole life, so thank you for helping to take
me out of a very dark place in my life. Whether or not you know this, you contributed in helping
save mine. Very warm regards

131.  I am feeling so much better: 1) I can turn my head from side to side—something I haven’t
been able to do for months and months (a year or more?!)  So this makes driving a lot easier and
safer.  I have energy like I used to have—huge difference.  I’m beginning to sleep better and I’ve
had insomnia for years—   Sleeping straight through the night is heaven—so much better than
waking up at 2 or 3 and not being able to get back to sleep.  Enormous gratitude to you and your
program.  The big learning for me is what an enormous difference in my quality of life by eating
whole foods!  It is not subtle!!  And your gentle reminder that muscle cramps are usually due to
lack of hydration was totally true for me—I drink lots of hot water through-out the day now and the
leg cramps are gone.

I’ve asked a lot of people about your TQI  diet and everyone always responds—“I’ve never felt  
better in my life and my sleep is better too.”  Now I say that too. As I’ve told my friends,  
“Sometimes I just need to be told what to do and shown how to do it.”  Your class is exactly what I’
ve needed—I guess I had to get to a really bad place before I could tackle the organization and  
dedication to the plan before I was ready to take the plunge.  I could not be more pleased—the
phrase, “I’ve got my life back.” is one of them—the other is ‘back in the land of the truly living."

132. Thank you! I danced through the day yesterday after I learned the blood test results, I was so

133. I first took your class in April 2015. The UW Headache Clinic recommended that I take your
class as I was having chronic daily headaches and intermittent migraines. This is a repeat class
for me as I found the first class to be very helpful, informative and full of information. I just wanted
to retake the class to make sure I stayed on track. I have been on the elimination phase pretty
much since April. I have lost about 70 pounds, waist measurement has gone from 44 inches to 37
inches(now to 36 inches-I measured today).

134. Much less mind fog and feel clear and bright. Have lost 7 lbs. Less upper abdominal bloating
and a flatter tummy. Aches and pains have disappeared. I have set a goal for 1 year to keep at
this way of eating as I would like to lose 50 lbs.

135. Update after 6 months, weight: 141 (down 33.6 pounds) - waist: 33 (down 7 inches)"

136. Just checking in and letting you know that I'm still on the plan and feel great. Since starting
the program at the end of February, Three months later, I've lost 38 pounds.

137. Lost 25 lbs. Down from 76 units of insulin a day to 56 units. Swelling in leg is much better.
Glucose is under control and has no peaks or valleys due to elimination foods.

138. I just received lab results back this morning and I need to decrease my thyroid medication!!  
I've been on this medication for 10 years and this is the first time I've had to DECREASE my dose.

139. My sleep has continued to improve. One night I actually slept through the night.This has not
happened for many, many years.  My sleep is sounder and I seem to have good energy
throughout the day.  One of the things I am most happy about is losing a persistent, hacking,
annoying chronic cough.  It disappeared quickly on TQI and has stayed away.

140.  I have lost 5.5 pounds, 2 inches in my waist, am sleeping soundly for 8 hours/night most
nights, have experienced marked clarity in thinking and ability to manage stressful work situations
without becoming overwhelmed. My left foot/ankle pain has reduced  to zero on most days and
only slightly what it was before TQI, and my eyes are no longer extremely puffy in the morning.  I
also have no night sweats (menopause symptom) on most nights, which is exceptional and
probably contributing to the blissful sleep.

141. I have lost an inch on my waist. I am feeling so good.  My constant sciatic pain has eased up.  
I also seem to have more energy. I have lost two more pounds.  Also my blood pressure is down in
the 120's over 65 which is amazing.  I have been fighting this for two years and have been
determined to find a way to get it down without drugs. We are so happy we are taking the class
and are seeing great results! We get so much from your lectures.

142. My doctor is very pleased, as my BMI is now within normal limits and there is no swelling in my
ankles.  Also my cholesterol counts are lower.  My weights on their records show (02/2014) 171,
(09/2014) 150, and (02/2015) 145. My body loves this plan!  

143. Great!! My knees no longer hurt when I climb stairs. My sleep is no longer interrupted by an
annoying cough that would present itself around 2am. I'm eating more and losing weight!

144. This diet has really saved my life. Started last year after physical therapist recommended
your book. I had chronic plantar fascitis, post op knee pain, rotator cuff chronic pain. Type 2
diabetes, sleep apnea, hypertension, and had recurring diverticulitis flare ups, looking at colon
resection surgury. I was miserable and frightened at 245 lbs. I'm now at 195. Thanks so much for
everything you're doing. This is truly miraculous.

145. Consistently losing at least 2 lbs a week is nice motivation. Not to mention how good I feel.
Again I didn't have any specific ailments -- some arthritic pain, blood pressure higher than I used
to have -- all that seems to have calmed down dramatically. I'm really pleased with this program,
how easy it is to follow and how satisfied I feel eating the proscribed foods. I will be following this
type of eating program for the rest of my life.

I was "gushing" about TQI to my son and daughter-in-law last weekend. Son asked if this was a
cult lol. I don't think he understands what it's been like to be overweight most of my life. I finally see
a light at the end of the tunnel!!! He's lucky he doesn't have a weight problem. I'm lucky I found

146. I started noticing results almost immediately.  I was recently diagnosed with Crohn's disease,
and after about a week in to the diet my pain begin to reduce dramatically.  Now, at the two week
point, my pain is almost nonexistent.  In addition to this, I've lost 6 pounds and have gained a
tremendous amount of energy.

147. I was having problems in my left elbow where I have some steel screws from an accident 20
years ago. While that joint remains weaker than my right, the joint pain is gone. So is the hip pain
in my right hip. It's so great to have my clothes feel looser within 6 days.
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